Friday, August 6, 2010

Carbon Monoxide Monitors

audition "rest in peace Let all souls here not to repeat the evil"

"Una libelula revoloteaba frente a mi y se detuvo en la valla. Me levante, tome un frasco en mis manos, y estaba a punto de atrapar la libelula cuando..."

8:15 am August 6, 1945, a date recorded for a short stay as carved in stone in my head. Hearing Hiroshima
comes to our mind the same incident, but never give the importance that we should use it for fun sometimes and other times of criticism. Even
myself before stepping up to the city does not take much importance. But once you're there, and know the story right in the place where the destruction happened, you see it from that perspective completely changes the way you think about that.

often think "So they got into the Japanese war?", "But there went "and many other things, but if you think about it, would have done what they did, rightly or wrongly, by province or by proxy, which has no justification suscedio.

There have been many wars in the history of human existence, there has been much destruccióny pursuit of power, but only once has sucedudo such destruction, inhuman, I think.

that day by the man , ana the people of Hiroshima, and acostyumbrados to warplanes and be at risk, left their homes like any other day at work, to market, to school. Without thinking about what was to happen.

The bomb failed to detonate on the ground, but 600 meters above the ground, causing nuclear destruction. And in just 1 minute or less, Hiroshima disappeared.

Needless to say, were thousands of thinking involved. Many died instantly, others lasted only a few hours, those who survived were left with problems that were not found immediately, but about 2 years later and 10 years. Even many women who were pregnant during the event, gave birth to children with problems. And vary, for those who had survived, had no homes, no food, there was no one place where they could be. The pain is not experienced at that moment, but can still be revived.

While in the Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima, one lives in the tragedy, you feel pain, feel the courage even to hear the stories of many people, school children, who were in class when bomb, and only remnants of their belongings were burned.

Walking through the halls of the museum, the date is repeated again and again, the exact time when it appears everywhere. Explain the circumstances because Hiroshima, because the atomic bomb, and because we need to fight for peace in the world. As you observe in detail the history, not a single voice of the visitors stopped thinking at all. I can say that rarely talk to people who were with me on the trip during nustro tour of the museum.

was amazing what we were seeing was not as HistoryChannel see him or hear in a world history class, every word you live in the heart attack, scientific explanations, historical, strategic and a moral reflection. ;

The saddest part was seeing the Japanese the same people of Hiroshima, mourn in front of the exhibits, to see them realized how awful it was to be seen for what they had pasado.Para me as alien to that country, it was painful to look at these sen pray reading with tears in his eyes. I ask myself, what Americans feel or feel there? Is there also some moral burden?

an impact is to know the reality of that situation, but also inspiring to see how that did not stop but helped them progress. Right there, at the Peace Park, where the museum The bomb right there, and is now a beautiful park filled with gardens and monuments. see the strong city. And not just Hiroshima, but all of Japan, which suffered together the tragedy 65 years ago, and its strength as a community that helped them overcome.

That's something we should understand we Mexicans and all other countries. Japan is what it is by the way they think as a community help each other no matter who they are. If we fully realize and try to do, maybe we could get to stand out well.

Their struggle does not end until the world can understand what is to be in Peace without nuclear weapons, do, do not have, NO. And that is why to date if anyone can talk about peace in the world, they are.

Hiroshima disappeared in one minute, 65 years later is there as if nothing had happened, showing us all strength.


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