Eya people! Oks ???!!! como andan,, if they're "TODO BIEM? TODO BIEM!" then, I'm happy n___n
tell them bring a NEW News! on one of the Proyect.Fanfictions ~ ~ Lime-chan! :
REAGENT AND HAVE CONTINUED PROJECT CALLED FanFiction "Mega-Crossover" GetBackers Special Stage! in which, to make this fanfic I have my tomadachi collaboration Sakori-chan! nn (when in fact, the continuation of the previous fanfic THE PLAN TO THE TWO TOGETHER! XD).
Anyway, that's not all .... may soon be happening by the idea of making the "Fanart" [home, I would say] d this fanfic! XPP
Below .... ,, Q the other things still there in the plan *** Collages and fanfictions (active, STOP, and future!)
*** * ** Futures collages (or those who I believe will be collages xD) ***
SekiTomoxHayamin: jojo ~ * Dream girl crazy fan of them both xD * "HEAD" a collage of the couple rarely make up for being a fan of * both * and fanfiction * __ * Lime and Omi
: Collage friendship and brotherly love. Collage of my "false" brother WK fanfic ^ _ ^
LimexKen: The couple mine with Ken Hidaka from Weiss Kreuz = P
LimexRyosuke: Couple of my fanfiction crossover Initial D
LimexKeisuke Saber Marionette J: Another pair of my fanfiction crossover Initial D Saber Marionette J
Eiri Yuki: Tribute to a Yuki (Uesugi) Collage ~ Eiri jojo sexy * ¬ * [q think his name was written so post x_x ]
Shuichi Shindou and Lime Amakusa: Collage of friendship! That tender is Shu-chan! * _ *
ShuichixKurumi: [NEW PAIRING] Collage of a new partner that has emerged from my head, when comparing their personalities, physical characteristics and its characters will y. .. came to the conclusion that ARE ALMOST THE SAME! * _ *
The Lime-chan ~ ~ I'm coming Proyect.Fanfictions RE OPENED, to continue writing the continuing q fanfictions are not yet finished writing .... ***
fanfictions IN PROGRESS ***
1 - Crossover Initial D x Saber Marionette J: Fanfic, which involves the Lime
Genre: General / Romance / Humor-Shonen & Shojo (will try ^ ^ U) -
Couples RyosukexLimexKeisuke, TakumixNatsuki, KeisukexKyoko ....
2 - [NEW] Fanfic has not yet defined its title nor its content because I have not finished chapter 1, as well NOT know what else will. The only thing se, is that leaving a "rare" @ _ @ crossover between Eiri Yuki, Shuichi Shindou (Gravitation), Lime (YO), Kurumi, Saki and Karinka (Steel Angel Kurumi) xP
Genre: , not available yet ....
Couples: NOT confirmed. To confirm u_u
3 - The Tantei Weib has in the group! : [Fanfic in q stoy I: P]
involves the Weib, Lime and a new member of the group of murderers bishounens which (Lime) will fall under unintentionally the love of one of the Koneko ^ _ ^
Genre: General / Romance / Humor, Shounen-
Couples KenxLime (xP)
4 - [reactants-IN PROGRESS] GetBackers Special Stage!
This fanfic is about the adventures and missions Midou Ban and Ginji Amano, in the company of her friends / classmates Sakori and Lime. As you pass the tasks and experiences, Gin Ban and encourage more to confess his feelings to the people who love themselves more than (each).
Couples BanxSako, LimexGinji (xP)
Gender: Not defined yet, just romance (defined). To confirm the rest! xP
fanfictions **** End of "In Progress" xP
------------------------- **** --------------- -------------------------------
fanfictions **** FUTURE! ****
1 - Fanfic "Tribute" to Seki Tomokazu and Hayami Kishimoto. Where is count the follies of each up to my "Dream Crazy fan girl" * __ * (q are couples! XP - SekixHayamin ") ^ _ ^ U
2 - Fanfic,, where Aya (Ran) Fujimiya and Ken Hidaka of Weib Kreuz, to find their voice actors xP: Takehito Koyasu and Seki Tomokazu * __ * ****
End of FUTURE fanfictions! " **** ----------------------------------------
Amakusa-chan [Lime Amakusa] Tantei ~ * Anime * ~ ^ ^ Virtual
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